Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Little Bragger

I’ve been paper crafting for sometime now.  12 years to be exact that I've been buying my own supplies.  Before that, I was just a kid and using construction paper to make what I thought were lovely creations.  I’ve never thought of myself as being exceptionally good at paper crafting, but I enjoy it.  I’m happy enough with my results and I love trying new ideas.  Sometimes, I succeed, other times; I look at what I’ve made and say I need a little more practice.  

Paper crafting is just so darn attractive to me.  Beautiful colors and patterns of paper, limitless ideas, the nostalgia you are creating, there are some of the neatest toys and accessories available to use while paper crafting and well, lets face it, it's fun making something pretty.

As you’ve read in some of my previous blogs, I like to make gifts.  I usually don’t like to repeat designs, (even when I've lifted an idea).  There are a few occasions that I have or that I will, but normally, once I’ve made it, I want to see what else I can move onto.  I'm just not a fan of duplication.  Sometimes it is necessary, like when a friend says they love something you've made and will you make them one.  For me, when I duplicate something, I get bored and the love for the creation kinda gets dull.  

At one time in my life, I knew a woman that was an AWESOME paper crafter, I mean ideas like no other.  Sometimes they were her ideas and a LOT of times she “borrowed” them or just added to an idea she saw, but none the less, she could take a plain ole’ sheet of 12x12 paper and turn it into something  I considered phenomenal.  I’ve never been able to channel that exact talent, but like I said, I’m happy with what I make and usually if it is a gift I'm making, which is often the case, the recipient is too! 

There have been a lot of babies being born in my life recently.  Friends, family, neighbors and the like have been having babies, amongst babies, amongst babies.  It’s baby season in my neck of the woods!  Of course with all of these babies being born, I feel obligated to make something.   

When I was a new Mom, I made myself a brag book of sorts.  Something small that I could keep in my purse diaper bag to show off my bundles of joy.  So, I have decided to make just that, a brag book, for the newest Mommy and Daddy in my life.  Some may consider this a sort of “mini”, I just call it a brag book.  It’s simple, just a few sheets of paper and some embellishments.  Sorry, but I don’t have any “behind the scenes” photos on this one.  I’m just not real good with taking the pictures as I create all of the time.  Believe me, I do try, but sometimes, I just make things without realizing that I’ll be sharing with you…. Sorry.  In better news, I'm in the process of a new project that I actually am taking photos of.  I'll be able to share with you soon so...stay tuned for that :-)

Front of Bragger


I hope you enjoy this little bragger, made by me (not created by me) :-).

‘Till next time…

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