Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines 2012

Happy Valentines Day!! 

Pink Funfetti Heart Shaped Pancakes
  For all of you mushy Valentine followers...I hope this day is bringing you the happiness that you desire.  For all of the rest of us, aren't you glad it's almost over!  Between the heart shaped pancakes, the heart shaped sandwiches, the red milk ice cubes, shaped like none other than hearts...I'm about hearted out today!  I'll say it again, I do this for my kids.  I believe children deserve to be just that children.  Fun, whimsy, enjoyment.  I do my best to make sure it ALL happens.  Everyone wore their pink and red today and handed out Valentine cards, cupids arrow has definitely hit our home!

Hearts for Lunch
Handing out Valentines is a fun tradition for little kids.  My littlest was instructed to either make a "mailbox or mailbag" for the Valentines party in school.  Being my child, the mailbag seemed to dull...we had to go for the mailbox.  Luckily, I have a plethora of boxes to choose from, so we at least had that to start with.  

Littlest G selected a box that opens from the front and doesn't require any extra work to look "pretty".  I'm ok with that!  LG picked out what kind of paper was going to be covering this box and the accoutrements that would also be involved.  LG picked super simple things, this was going to be a LOT easier than I anticipated.  

After we were all said and done, this is how it looked

Front View

Top View with mail slot cut out, a few stickles and a couple of smidges of Glossy Accents

Side after we embossed

Super quick and simple, I'm really starting to like how LG is thinking...maybe simple is better??

'Till next time...

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