Thursday, January 12, 2012


Today I decided to try something new.  My oldest loves the song I heart ? by Taylor Swift.  I thought it would be fun to put the lyrics on a t-shirt and then dress the shirt up a bit...customizing.

Where I got this inspiration was from a blog named The Next Bird.  I thought, really how hard could this be.  Here is a picture of the inspiring shirt:

Cool, right?  Well, I broke out the Clorox pen and got to work carefully writing down the lyrics on the shirt.  I made sure everything was evenly spaced and the most important part of the lyrics front and center on the shirt.  I even laddered (I'll talk about that another day) the back of the shirt so it would be super custom.  Well guess what....the bleach ran, I guess I put it on too thick?  I barely even had to squirt the bleach out of the pen and you could read each word...I'm not really sure what I did wrong exactly, but I missed a step somewhere.  Now, the shirt looks somewhat tie-dyed...alas, the the kid likes it, so not an epic fail, just a small fail for me.  After the shirt is dry, I'll take photos and show you.  I didn't take any before/after photos...sorry.  I never even intended for this to be a share for me today, but I couldn't help but share my fail.  Wish you better luck on yours.  Next time, I'm trying a different method...Elmer's Glue as a resist and Rit Dye for the color.   

1 comment:

  1. We both know that your "Fail" as you call it will turn into something pretty awesome when you perfect it...
