Thursday, January 26, 2012

Gift for You

What do you give someone that you don't know personally?  Something very generic usually, especially during the holidays when we feel obligated.  People that you see everyday, such as a co-worker that you may not know well, or maybe your child's teacher are hard to buy for, in my opinion.  Somehow, we still feel obligated to get this person a great gift that says we thought about them.  Take for instance my child's teacher.  I enjoy her very much, but besides knowing that she of course could use supplies and hand sanitizer for her classroom, what else could she "use"?  I purposely haven't gotten to know her personally because I don't want to cross that line, but I want her to know that I truly appreciate everything she does for my child.  Hmm???  Chalkboards are all the rage, but she has her very own big chalkboard.....personalized post it note holders are cute, but how many can you fit on your desk?  Kinda like a pencil many personalized holders do you really need on your desk?

OK, I put some thought into this and came up with an idea.  What about a memory board?  Something that could be used at home or school.  Child friendly and doesn't take up any desk space or flat space for that matter.  Now I was on to something.  

With an idea in my head, I went to my local home supply store.  I purchased a piece of 12"x12" aluminum.  I had some glass stones and magnets on hand and of course being the crafter that I am, I'm addicted to paper, so I had that too!  Now, I only needed to come up with what I would put on this memory board.....jeez...., oh I know, how about "Memories"?  

Yup, that was it, nice and simple.  Something simple would still leave plenty of space to place photos of friends and or family.  A place to keep reminders if needed and a create a generic enough gift that could be placed anywhere.  I affixed a poem and a picture of my child to the board as part of the gift, but because this gift was magnetic, she could remove them and put her own things on the board.  

Happily, I can say that our gift was appreciated because it hangs prominently in the classroom. Not too bad for a "generic" gift.

  Easy, inexpensive and thoughtful.

Supply List
12"x12" aluminum sheet
12"x12" decorative paper
Mod Podge
Sponge Brush
Ink (I used Staz On)
Emery board or sanding block
Glass stones

To make:  
Measure center of your aluminum and then measure about 4 inches to the left and right of center for the ribbon holes....or where ever you want your holes for the ribbon (to hang the sign) to be.  I used a Crop a Dile for my holes, but you could use an awe and hammer or a drill if you don't have a CAD. 

Measure these same holes in the paper you'll be using.

Brush the aluminum with Mod Podge and place paper over top.  Firmly with a squeegee or credit card rub out any bubbles.

While the paper adheres, grab your magnets and glass stones.  Cut pieces of coordinating paper and Mod Podge to glass stones.  

After the paper dries, take your sanding block and sand off any edges that are hanging over the aluminum.  I then took my ink and inked the edges to "finish" the look.  

Tie the ribbon into a knot and push threw one hole and then the bring the other end of ribbon through the second hole and tie it.  

At this time, you can place any lettering you want onto the paper, or leave it blank.  You can now place the magnets onto the board as well. 

Wallah, you've got yourself a nice gift to give.  Beats another candle, gloves, candy or the dreaded body wash/spray gift.

'Till next time

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